围绕系统工程、企业运营管理与供应链协调优化、新兴商务模式分析与优化、决策理论与方法等方面取得高水平的创新学术成果,在《Management Science》、《Manufacturing and Service Operations Management》,《Production and Operations Management》、《Management Information Systems Quarterly》《Journal of Operations Management》、《IEEE Transactions》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《管理科学学报》、《管理世界》等国内外高水平学术刊物上发表论文两百多篇、出版书六本,主持NSFC重大项目和创新群体项目等五十多项国家自然科学基金委、教育部、科技部等国家部委课题,以及地方政府/企业委托课题。研究成果受到国内外学者的广泛关注,Google Scholar引用一万多次,一批研究报告被中国人民银行、IBM等政府部门和国内外企业采纳,应邀在许多个国际会议上做大会主题报告。培养了一批高质量的博士和博士后,被评为全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师。
Peng Yunlong, Fei Gao and Jian Chen. Green Disposable Packaging and Communication: The Implications of Bring-Your-Own-Container. 2024, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Accepted
Jian Liu, Yong-Pin Zhou, Jian Chen. Reference Dependence in Queue Design and Pricing Strategies. 2024, Service Science, Articles In Advance
Li Xue, Tong Shilu, Cai Xiaoqiang, Chen Jian. Selling Formats and Platform Information Sharing under Manufacturer Competition. 2024, Naval Research Logistics, Volume71, Issue6, Pages 878-889
Conghu, Liu; Chen, Jian; Wang, Xiaoqiao. Quantitative evaluation model of the quality of remanufactured products, 2023, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 71, 7413-7424
Jian Liu, Yong-Pin Zhou, Jian Chen. Customer segmentation and ex ante fairness: A queueing Perspective. 2023, Production and Operations Management, Volume32, Issue10, Pages 3246-3265
Liu, Jian, Jian Chen, Bo, Rui, Meng, Fanlin,Xu, Yong,Li, Peng. Increases or Discounts: Price Strategies Based on Customers’ Patience Times. 2023, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 305, Issue 2, Pages 722-737
Lu Y., J. Wu, Y. Tan and Jian Chen. Microblogging Replies and Opinion Polarization: A Natural Experiment, 2022, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Volume 46,Issue 4,pp: 1901-1936
Zhang Chong, Yu Man, Chen Jian. Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and Empirical Evidence. 2022, Management Science. Volume 68, Issue 8, Pages 5557-6354
Chen Jian, Liang Yong, Shen Hao, Max Shen, Xue Mengying . Offline-Channel Planning in Smart Omnichannel Retailing. 2022, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages 2387-2796
Li Yao, Lauren Lu, Susan Lu, Jian Chen. The Value of Health IT Interoperability: Evidence from Interhospital Transfer of Heart Attack Patients. 2022, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 827–845
Li Xue, Cai Xiaoqiang, Chen Jian. Quality and Private Label Encroachment Strategy. 2022, Production and Operations Management, Volume31, Issue 1, Pages 374-390
Jian Chen, He Huang, Liming Liu, Hongyan Xu. Price Delegation or Not? The Effect of Heterogeneous Sales Agents. 2021, Production and Operations Management, Volume30, Issue5, May 2021, Pages 1350-1364
Rong Lisong, Chen Jian, Wen, Zhong. Dynamic Regulation on Innovation and Adoption of Green Technology with Information Asymmetry. 2022, Naval Research Logistics, Volume 69, Issue 1, Pages 110-127
Yue Han, Hongfu Liu, Jian Chen. A Gospel for MOBA Game: Ranking-Preserved Hero Change Prediction in Dota 2. 2021, IEEE Transactions on Games. Volume: 14, Issue: 2, Pages: 191 - 201
Liu Conghu, Jian Chen, Wei Cai. Data- driven remanufacturability evaluation method of waste parts. 2022, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Volume: 18, Issue: 7, Pages: 4587-4595
Xiang Chu, Zhong Wen, Jian Chen. Optimal Grading Policies in the Online Acquisition of Used Products. 2021, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.30, No.1, 29–43
Jin-Xiao Chen,Jian Chen. Measuring and Improving Eco-efficiency. 2020, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp: 373-395
Xia Meimei, Jian Chen, Xiao-Jun Zeng. Group decision making using bilateral agreement matrix. 2020, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 398, pp 34-60.
Xia, Meimei, Chen Jian, Zeng, Xiao-Jun, "Data envelopment analysis based on team reasoning", 2020, International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol.27, No.2, pp.1080-1100
Huang, Shuo; Wen, Zhong; Chen, Jian; Cui Ning. Optimal Technology Investment under Emission Trading Policy. 2020, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol: 29, No. 2, 143-162
Xiao Yongbo, Liming Wang, Jian Chen. Dynamic Pricing in a Trade-in Program with Replacement and New Customers. 2020, Naval Research Logistics, Volume 67, Issue 5, Pages 334-352
Li Xue, Lucy Chen, Jian Chen. Individual and Cultural Differences in Newsvendor Decision Making. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2019, 39(1): 164-186
Chong Zhang, Tian-Liang Liu, Hai-Jun Huang, Jian Chen. A cumulative prospect theory approach to commuters’ day-to-day route-choice modeling with friends’ travel information, Transportation Research Part C, 2018, 86: 527-548
Xia Meimei, Jian Chen, Xiao-Jun Zeng. Decision Analysis on Choquet Integral-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Imprecise Information, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2018, 17(2): 677-704
Lei Yang, Gangshu (George) Cai, Jian Chen. Push, Pull, and Supply Chain Risk-Averse Attitude. 2018, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 27, No. 8, 1534–1552
Jin-Xiao Chen, Jian Chen. Supply chain carbon footprinting and responsibility allocation under emission regulations, 2017, Journal of Environmental Management, 188, 255-267
Wang H, Wu JJ, Yuan S, Chen, J. On characterizing scale effect of Chinese mutual funds via text mining. 2016, SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 124, pp 266-278
Wu Hao, Gangshu Cai, Jian Chen, Chwen Sheu. Online Manufacturer Referral to Heterogeneous Retailers, 2015, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 24, No. 11, 1768–1782
Chen Jian, Shuo Huang, Refael Hassin, Nan Zhang. Two Backorder Compensation Mechanisms in Inventory Systems with Impatient Customers, 2015, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1640–1656
Gao Fei, Chen Jian. The Role of Discount Vouchers in Market with Customer Valuation Uncertainty, 2015, Production and Operations Management, 2015, Volume 24, Issue 4, 665–679
Xia MM, Jian Chen, JL Zhang. Multi-criteria decision making based on relative measures, 2015, Annals of Operations Research, Volume 229, Issue 1, pp 791-811
Xia Meimei, Jian Chen. Multi-criteria group decision making based on bilateral agreements, 2015, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240, No.3, 756–764
Xia Meimei, Chen Jian. Studies on Interval Multiplicative Preference Relations and Their Application to Group Decision Making, 2015, Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol:24, Issue 1, 115-144
Xia Meimei, Chen Jian. Consistency and consensus improving for pairwise comparison matrices based on Abelian linearly ordered group, 2015, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 266, No.1, 1–32
Quansheng Lei, Jian Chen, Xingyu Wei, Shan Lu. Supply chain coordination under asymmetric production cost information and inventory inaccuracy. 2015, International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 204–218
Wu Junjie, Hongfu Liu, Hui Xiong, Jie Cao, Jian Chen. K-means-based Consensus Clustering: A Unified View, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.27, No. 1, p155-169
Wu Peng, Xiuli Chao, Jian Chen. On the replenishment policy considering less expensive but non-committed supply, 2014, Operations Research Letters, Vol.42, No.8, 509-513
Xiao Yongbo, Jian Chen. Evaluating the Potential Effects from Probabilistic Selling of Seasonal Items, 2014, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 61, No.8, p604-619
Zhang JL, Chen Jian. Information Sharing in a Make-to-Stock Supply Chain. 2014, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Volume 10, Number 4, p 1169-1189
Wei Guiwu, Jian Chen, Jiamin Wang. Stochastic efficiency analysis with a reliability consideration, 2014, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol.48, 1-9
Zhang JL, Jian Chen. Coordination of information sharing in a supply chain, 2013, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.143, 178–187
Zhang JL, BY Shou, Jian Chen. Postponed Product Differentiation with Demand Information Update, 2013, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 141, Issue 2, 529–540
Cai XQ, Chen Jian, Xiao YB, Xu XL, Yu G, Fresh-Product Supply Chain Management with Logistics Outsourcing, 2013, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 41, issue 4, pages 752-765
Cui Y, LGT Chen, Jian Chen, S. Gavirneni, Q Wang, Chinese perspective on newsvendor bias: An exploratory note, 2013, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.31, No.1, 93-97
Xia Meimei, Zeshui Xu, Jian Chen, Algorithms for improving consistency or consensus of reciprocal [0,1]-valued preference relations, 2013, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol 216, 108–133
Guiwu Wei, Jiamin Wang, Jian Chen. Potential optimality and robust optimality in multiattribute decision analysis with incomplete information: A comparative study. 2013, Decision Support Systems, Volume 55, Issue 3, June 2013, Pages 679–684
Zhang Ju-liang, Jian Chen. Supplier selection and procurement decisions with uncertain demand, fixed selection costs and quantity discounts. 2013, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 40, Issue 11, Pages 2703–2710
Chen Jian, Guan L, Cai XQ. Analysis On Buyers' Cooperative Strategy Under Group-Buying Price Mechanism. 2013, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.9, No.2, pp.291-304
Chen Jian, YD Guo, HY Zhu. Can me-too products prevail? Performance of new product development and sources of idea generation in China - an emerging market, 2012, R&D Management, Vol.43, No.2, 273-288
Wu JJ, SW Zhu, H Xiong, Jian Chen, JM Zhu, Adapting the Right Measures for Interesting Pattern Discovery: A Unified View, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics–Part B: Cybernetics, 42(4): 1203-1214
Wu Junjie, Hui Xiong, Chen Liu, and Jian Chen. Enhancing Collaborative Filtering by User Interest Expansion via A Generalization of Distance Functions for Fuzzy c-Means Clustering with Centroids of Arithmetic Means, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.20, Issue 3, 557 -571
Yu QIAN, Jian CHEN, Le MIAO, Jihong ZHANG, Information Sharing in a Competitive Supply Chain with Capacity Constraint, 2012, Flexible Services and Manufacturing, Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp 549-574
Xiao Yongbo, Jian Chen. Supply Chain Management of Fresh Products with Producer Transportation, 2012, Decision Science, Vol.43, No.5, 785-815
Zhang Juliang, Jian Chen, Chung-Yee Lee. Coordinated Pricing and Inventory Control Problems with Capacity Constraints and Fixed Ordering Cost. 2012, Naval Research Logistics, Vol.59, No.5, 376-383
Xu Hongyan, Huang He, Chen Jian. Dynamic pricing and compensation on heterogeneous sales forces. 2012, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 21, No.2, 204-225
Liu Q, E Chen, H Xiong, CHQ Ding, Jian Chen. Enhancing Collaborative Filtering by User Interest Expansion via Personalized Ranking. 2012, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B, 42(1):218-233
Chen Jian, YD Guo, S Huang, HY Zhu. Study of the Determinants in Chinese Firms Source of Innovation Choice, 2011, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 53, No.1, 44-68
Chen Jian, Chen YH, Parlar M, Xiao YB. Optimal inventory and admission policies for drop-shipping retailers serving in-store and online customers, 2011, IIE Transactions, Vol. 43, No. 5, 332-347
Liu Tian-Liang, Jian Chen, Hai-Jun Huang. Existence and efficiency of oligopoly equilibrium under toll and capacity competition, 2011, Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol.47, No.6, 908-919
Chen Jian, He Huang, Robert J. Kauffman. A public procurement combinatorial auction mechanism with quality assignment, 2011, Decision Support Systems, Vol.51, 480-492
Wu Junjie, Jian Chen, Heng Wang, Yili Ren. GIS Enabled Service Site Selection: Environmental Analysis and Beyond. 2011, Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 13, No.3, 337-348
Shuo Huang, Sven Axster, Yifan Dou, Jian Chen. A Real-time Decision Rule for an Inventory System with Committed Service Time and Emergency Orders. 2011, European Journal of Operational Research, 215 (2011) 70–79
Lin Y, Chen Jian, Chen Y. Backbone of technology evolution in the modern era automobile industry: An analysis by the patents citation network. 2011, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 20, No.4, 416-442
Chen Jian, Robert J. Kauffman, Yunhui Liu, Xiping Song. Segmenting Uncertain Demand in Group-Buying Auctions, 2010, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 2, p126-147.
Xiao Yongbo, Jian Chen, Chung-Yee Lee. Single-Period Two-Product Assemble-to-Order Systems with a Common Component and Uncertain Demand Patterns, 2010, Production and Operations Management, Vol 19, No. 2, p216 – 232.
Xiao Yongbo, Jian Chen, Chung-Yee Lee. Optimal Decisions for Assemble-to-Order Systems with Uncertain Assembly Capacity, 2010, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 123, 155–165.
Cai Xiaoqiang, Jian Chen, Yongbo Xiao, XiaoLin Xu. Optimization and Coordination of Fresh Product Supply Chains with Freshness-Keeping Effort, 2010, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp.261-278.
Wu Junjie, Hui Xiong, Jian Chen. COG: Local Decomposition for Rare Class Analysis, 2010, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol.20, No.2, p: 191-220.
Zhu Yan, Yan Li, Weiquan Wang, Jian Chen. What Leads to the Post-Implementation Success of the ERP? An Empirical Study of the Chinese Retail Industry, 2010, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 30, No.3, 265-276
Zhang JL, Chen Jian, Zhang XS. Coordinating pricing and inventory control in a fluctuating environment. 2010, ACTA Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series, Vol. 26, No. 2, p: 187-204
Zhang JL Chen Jian. Externality of Contracts on Supply Chains with Two Suppliers and A Common Retailer. 2010, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol 6, No. 4, 795–810
Zhang JL , Chen Jian. A multi-period pricing and inventory control model. 2010, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, Vol. 23, No. 2, 249-260
Yongjian Li, Jian Chen, Xiaoqiang Cai. Optimal Manpower Planning Decision with Single Employee Type Considering Minimal Employment Period Constraint. 2010, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol.27, Issue: 3, 411-436
Yongjian Li, Jihong Zhang, Jian Chen, Xiaoqiang Cai. Optimal Solution Structure for Multi-period Production Planning with Returned Products Remanufacturing. 2010, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 27, No. 5 (2010) 1–20
Wu Junjie; Hui Xiong, Jian Chen. K-means Clustering versus Validation Measures: A Data Distribution Perspective, 2009, IEEE Transactions on System, man and Cybernetics-Part B, Vol. 39, NO. 2, 318-331
Wu JJ, Jian Chen, H Xiong, M Xie. External Validation Measures for K-means Clustering: A Data Distribution Perspective. 2009, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 36, Issue 3, Part 2, 6050-6061
Wu JJ, H Xiong, Jian Chen.Towards Understanding Hierarchical Clustering: A Data Distribution Perspective. 2009, Neurocomputing, Vol.72, pp2319–2330
H Huang, HY Xu, Jian Chen. A Comparison of a Simple Procurement Auction and Generalized Nash Bargaining. 2009, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol: 17, Iss: 3, Pages: 341-357
Xiao Yongbo, Frank Y. Chen, Jian Chen. Optimal Inventory and Dynamic Admission Polices for a Retailer of Seasonal Products with Affiliate Programs and Drop-Shipping, 2009, Naval Research Logistics, Vol 56, No. 4. pages 300-317
Chen Jian, Xilong Chen, Robert J. Kauffman, Xiping Song. Should we Collude? analyzing the benefits of Bidder Cooperation in Online Group-buying auctions, 2009, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 191-202.
Zhang Ju-liang, Chung-Yee Lee, Jian Chen. Inventory control problem with freight cost and stochastic demand, 2009, Operations Research Letters, 37, 443-446
Ding D., Jian Chen. Coordinating a Three Level Supply Chain with Flexible Return Policies, 2008, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 36, pp865 – 876
Cai X.Q., Jian Chen, Y.B. Xiao, X.L. Xu, Product Selection, Machine Time Allocation, and Scheduling Decisions for Manufacturing Perishable Products Subject to a Deadline, 2008, Computers and Operations Research, Vol.35, No.5, 1671-1683
Chen Jian, Zhang Nan, Huang Shuo. Optimal and incentive compatible pricing for heterogeneous periods. 2008, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: 50-65
Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen, Some Models for Deriving the Priority Weights from Interval Fuzzy Preference Relations, 2008, European Journal of Operational Research, v 184, n 1, p 266-280
Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen, Junjie Wu, Clustering Algorithm for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 2008, Information Sciences, Vol 178, Issue 19, p3775–3790
Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen, MAGDM Linear Programming Models with Distinct Uncertain Preference Structures, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 38, No. 5, p1356-1370
Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen. Ordered Weighted Distance Measure. 2008, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Volume: 17, Issue: 4, Pages: 432-445
Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen. Group decision-making procedure based on incomplete reciprocal relations. 2008, Soft Computing, 12(6), pp515–521
Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen. An Overview of Distance and Similarity Measures of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. 2008, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, Vol. 16, Issue: 4, Pages: 529-555
Zeng D, Wang FY, Zheng XL Yuan Y, Chen GQ, Chen Jian. Intelligent-Commerce Research in China. 2008, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol.23, No. 6, 14-18
Zhang Ji-Hong, Wu Ling-Yun, Chen Jian, Zhang Xiang-Sun, A fast haplotype inference method for large population genotype data, 2008, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol. 52, Issue: 11, Pages: 4891-4902
Zhang Juliang, Chen Jian, Chung-Yee Lee, Joint Optimization on Pricing, Promotion and Inventory Control with Stochastic Demand, 2008, International Journal of Production Economics, 116, Issue 2, 190-198
Li Y., Jian Chen, X. Cai,An Integrated Staff Planning Approach in the Service Sector Considering the Effects of Staffing Flexibility, 2007, Annals of Operations Research, 155: 361–390, 2007
Ding D., Jian Chen,Supply Chain Coordination with Contracts Game between Complementary Suppliers, 2007, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 6, No.1, p163-175
Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen. An Interactive Method for Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making, 2007, Information Science, Volume 177, Issue 1, p248-263
Frank Y. Chen, Jian Chen, Yongbo Xiao,Optimal Control of Selling Channels for an Online Retailer with Cost-Per-Click Payments and Seasonal Products, 2007, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 16, No.3, 292-305
Li Yongjian, Chen Jian, Cai Xiaoqiang. Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for Capacitated Production Planning Problems with Batch Processing and Remanufacturing, 2007, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 105, No. 2, 301-317
Chen Jian, X.L. Chen, X.P. Song. Comparison of the Group-buying Auction and the Fixed Pricing Mechanism, 2007, Decision Support Systems, Vol.43, Issue 2 pp 445-459
Xiao Y.B., Jian Chen, Y. Chen,On a Semi-Dynamic Pricing and Seat Inventory Allocation Problem, 2007, OR Spectrum, Vol. 29, No.1, p85–103
Yu, Hui, Sun, Caihong, Chen, Jian. Simulating the supply disruption for the coordinated supply chain. 2007, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Volume: 16, Issue: 3, Pages: 323-335
Li Y.J., Jian Chen and X.Q. Cai. Uncapacitated Production Planning with Multiple Product Types, Returned Product Remanufacturing, and Demand Substitution. 2006, OR Spectrum, Vol.28, No. 1, p101-125
Chen Haoya, Jian Chen, Youhua Chen. A Coordination Mechanism for a Supply Chain with Demand Information Updating, 2006, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.103, 347-361
Liu Bin, Chen Jian, Liu Sifeng, and R. Zhang. Supply-Chain Coordination with Combined Contract for a Short-Life-Cycle Product, 2006, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 36, No.1, 53-61
Zhang Juliang, Jian Chen. Bayesian Solution to Pricing and Inventory Control under Unknown Demand Distribution, 2006, Operations Research Letters, 34, 517-524
Zhang JL, Chen Jian. A New Non-interior Predictor-Corrector Method for P0 LCP. 2006, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 53 (1): 79-100
Chen Jian, Y Lin. Knowledge Transfer in Supply Chain: Hold Suppliers’ Complementary Knowledge. 2005, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, p10-18
Xie M., Jian Chen. Study on Different Trading Strategies of Retailers through an Integrated Multi-Agent E-Business Model. 2005, International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1-18, 2005
Yu Hui, Chen Jian, Sun Caihong. N-person Non-cooperative Game with Infinite Strategic Space. 2005, Algorithmic Applications in Management, LNCS, Vol.3521, Springer, 77-84
Li Yongjian, Chen Jian, Cai Xiaoqiang, Tu Fengsheng. Optimal Manpower Planning with Temporal Labor and Contract. 2005, Algorithmic Applications in Management, LNCS, Vol.3521, Springer, 350-359
Chen Jian, Huang He. On-line multi-attributes procurement combinatorial auctions bidding strategies. 2005, Computational Science, LNCS, Vol.3516, Springer, 578-585
Lei QS, Chen Jian, Zhou Q. Multiple criteria inventory classification based on principal components analysis and neural network. 2005, Advances in Neural Networks, LNCS, Vol.3498, Springer, 1058-1063
Chen Jian, S. Lin. A Neural Network Approach—Decision Neural Network (DNN) for Preference Assessment, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics—Part C, Vol. 34, No.2, 219-225
Zhang JL, Chen Jian, Zhuo XJ. A constrained optimization approach for LCP. 2004, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 22 (4): 509-522
Zhang JL, Chen Jian. A Smoothing Levenberg-Marquardt Type Method for LCP. 2004, Journal of Computational Mathematics 22 (5): 735-752
Jian Chen, Yunhui Liu, Xiping Song. Group-buy online auction and optimal inventory policy in uncertain market. 2004, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, p202-218
Lianqiao Cai, Jian Chen, Houmin Yan. Single-period two-product inventory model with substitution: solution and properties. 2004, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 1, p112-123
Chen Jian, Huang Shuo. Multi-Echelon Inventory Model with Emergency. 2004, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol.9, No. 4, p482-488
Chen Jian, Liu Yunhui, Song Xiping. Comparison of Group-buying online auction and posted pricing mechanism in an uncertain market. 2004, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Vol.2, No.3, 1-5
Chen Jian, Huang He. Study on the winning probability for a bid in procurement combinational auction with tree structure. 2004, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Vol.2, No.3, 18-21
Chen Jian, Yingxia Lin. Search Costs in the Electronic Markets: Market Equilibrium and Corporation Strategy. 2003, International Journal of Electronic Business,Vol. 1, No. 1, p83-93
Chen Jian, S. Lin, An Interactive DNN Approach for Solving Multiple Criteria Decision Making Problems, 2003, Decision Support Systems, Vol.36, No.2 p. 137-146
Zhang Ju-liang, Jian Chen. Studies on the Value of Secondary Market to the Supply Chain. 2003, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, p360-371
Chen Jian, X.L. Chen, X.P. Song, Bidder's Strategy Under Group-Buying Auction on the Internet, 2002, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 32, No. 6, p680-690
Zhuge H., Chen Jian, Fang Y., Shi X.Q., A Federation-agent-workflow Simulation Framework for Virtual Organization Development, Information and Management, 2002, Vol. 39, p325-336
Chen, Jian and Lu, J., "Studies on a multi-agent system for serial enterprise supply chains", Dynamics Of Continuous Discrete And Impulsive Systems: Series B: Applications and Algorithms, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp439–454, 2002.
Liu Hongyan, Lu Hongjun, Chen Jian. A Fast Scalable Classifier Tightly Integrated with RDBMS. 2002, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No.2, p152-159
Chen Jian, Xu LJ, Coordination of the Supply Chain of Seasonal Products, 2001, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 31,No.6, p524-532
Chen Jian, A Predictive System for Blast Furnaces by Integrating a Neural Network with Qualitative Analysis, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2001, Vol. 14, No.1, p77-85
Chen Jian. A Predicting System Based on Combining an Adaptive Predictor and a Knowledge Base as Applied to a Blast Furnace, 1993, Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 12, No. 2, p93-102
Chen Jian, Zheng W.M., Wang Y.X., A Systems Control Framework for the Self-fertilization and Selection Process of Breeding, BioSystems, 1991, Vol. 24, No.4, p291-299
Chen Jian, Zheng W.M., Wang Y.X., The Identification of an Inheritance Model and Its Application, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 1991, Vol. 15, No. 6, p43-50
Sun J.H., Han Z.J. and Chen Jian. A Knowledge-Base Aided Self-Tuning System for Predicting Silicon in Pig Iron, Control and Computer, 1990, Vol.18, No.2, p47-49
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[10] 窦一凡,吴东军,陈剑. 考虑前瞻性买者的软件定价策略研究. 2012, 红足1世官网学报(自然科学版), Vol.52, No.8, 1138-1141
[11] 徐鸿雁, 黄河, 陈剑. 针对不同类型销售商的长期激励合同设计研究. 2012, 中国管理科学, Vol.20,No.6, 118-124
[12] 陈剑. 低碳供应链管理研究. 2012, 系统管理学报, Vol.21, No.6, 721-728
[13] 刘天亮,陈剑,辛春林. 凸需求情形下分权供应链运作效率及福利分析. 2011, 管理科学学报. Vol 14 No. 1, 61-68
[14] 徐鸿雁,陈剑. 不对称信息下对异质销售商激励及产品定价. 2011, 系统工程学报, Vol.26, No.2, 222-228
[15] 崔崟、陈剑、肖勇波. 行为库存管理研究综述及前景展望. 2011, 管理科学学报. Vol 14 No. 6, 96-108
[16] 陈剑、肖勇波. 供应链管理研究的新发展. 2011, 上海理工大学学报, Vol.33, No.6, 694-700
[17] 黄河,陈剑. 组合拍卖与议价谈判机制设计研究. 2010, 管理科学学报. Vol.13 (2): P1-11
[18] 黄河,陈剑. 拍卖采购合同及议价谈判机制设计. 2010, 管理科学学报. Vol 13 No. 3, 1-7
[19] 陈剑,徐鸿雁. 基于销售商努力的供应商定价和生产决策. 2009, 系统工程理论与实践, 29(5) : 1-10
[20] 刘运辉,陈剑. 基于逢低买入拍卖的零售商订货策略. 2009, 系统工程理论与实践,29 (7): 35-42
[21] 辛春林, 陈剑, 刘天亮. 基于凸情形下在线设备更新间题的竞争分析. 2009 , 系统工程理论与实践,29 (11): 145-151
[22] 陈剑, 陈剑锋. 基于收益共享合同的虚拟企业控制权力分配. 2009, 红足1世官网学报(自然科学版) , Vo l. 49, No. 3, 447-451
[23] 肖勇波, 陈剑, 刘晓玲, 朱岩. 季节性产品销售商动态串货搏弈模型. 2008, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 28 (3): 35-43
[24] 黄河,陈剑,徐鸿雁. 多因素采购组合拍卖动态机制设计研究. 2008, 中国管理科学, Vol.16, No.1, 104-110
[25] 钱宇, 陈剑. 供应链中考虑下游转运的订货和定价决策研究. 2008, 中国管理科学, Vol.16, No.1, 53-59
[26] 肖勇波, 陈剑, 徐小林. 到岸价格商务模式下涉及远距离运输的时鲜产品供应链协调. 2008,系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 28 (2): 19-25
[27] 肖勇波, 陈剑, 刘晓玲. 基于乘客选择行为的双航班机票联合动态定价模型. 2008, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 28 (1): 46-55
[28] 陈剑,张楠. 针对等待敏感顾客的缺货补偿与库存策略研究. 2008, 管理科学学报,Vol.11, No.3, 53-62
[29] 吴鹏,陈剑. 考虑回收数量不确定性的生产决策优化. 2008, 系统工程学报,Vol.23, No.6, 644-649
[30] 陈剑; 陈剑锋. 虚拟企业收益共享合同中的监控机制研究. 2007, 复旦学报(自然科学版), 04期
[31] 徐泽水; 陈剑. 一种基于区间直觉判断矩阵的群决策方法. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27, No.4, 126-133
[32] 于辉. 陈剑. 突发事件下何时启动应急预案. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27, No.8, 27-32
[33] 黄河, 陈剑. 采购组合拍卖投标均衡策略研究. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27 (10): 93-97
[34] 黄河, 陈剑. 采购组合拍卖改进机制研究. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27 (11): 43-47
[35] 肖勇波, 陈剑, 吴鹏. 产能和需求不确定情形下ATO 系统最优库存和生产决策研究. 2007, 中国管理科学, Vol.15, No.5, 56-64
[36] 刘斌, 刘思峰, 陈剑, 等. 一类短生命周期产品供应链的有价格差异联合契约. 2006, 管理科学, Vol. 19, No.2, p6-12
[37] 陈剑, 肖勇波, 刘晓玲, 陈友华. 基于乘客选择行为的航空机票控制模型研究, 2006, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 26, No.1, 65-75
[38] 黄河, 陈剑. 政府采购组合拍卖机制, 2006, 重庆大学学报(自然科学版), Vol. 29 No. 6, 140--143
[39] 于辉, 陈剑, 于刚. 批发价契约下的供应链应对突发事件. 2006, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 26, No.8, 33-41
[40] 于辉, 陈剑. 需求依赖于价格的供应链应对突发事件. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27, No.3, 36-41
[41] 陈剑, 徐鸿雁. 销售激励与定价关系研究, 2006, 红足1世官网学报(哲学社会科学版), 2006年 S1期,
[42] 吴俊杰, 陈剑. SCBA:基于演变的规则知识库的数据流分类模型. 2006, 红足1世官网学报(自然科学版), 2006年 S1期, 1078-1084
[43] 陈剑, 彭仕云. 不完全信息条件下的非单调推理技术集成决策框架研究. 2005, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 25, No. 2, 18-23
[44] 陈剑, 黄河. 逆向组合拍卖投标者获胜概率研究. 2005, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 25, No. 3, 13-19
[45] 刘斌, 刘思峰, 陈剑. 不确定需求下供应链渠道协调的数量折扣研究. 2005, 南京航空航天大学学报, Vol. 37, No. 2, 256-261
[46] 于辉, 陈剑, 于刚. 协调供应链如何应对突发事件. 2005, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 25, No.7, 9-16
[47] 刘斌, 陈剑, 刘思峰. 一类短生命周期产品供应链的联合契约. 2005, 系统工程, Vol. 23, No.3, 55-62
[48] 于辉, 陈剑, 于刚. 回购契约下供应链对突发事件的协调应对. 2005, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 25, No.8, 38-43
[49] 周庆, 黄颖颖, 陈剑. 基于主体的动态竞争模型的设计与仿真. 2005, 系统仿真学报, Vol.17, No.8, 1977-1981
[50] 张玉林, 陈剑. 供应链中基于Stackelberg博弈的信息共享协调问题研究. 2004, 管理工程学报, Vol118 , No13, p118-120
[51] 霍沛军, 陈继祥, 陈剑. R&D 补贴与社会次佳R&D. 2004, 管理工程学报, Vol.18 , No.2, p1-3
[52] 周庆, 陈剑. 基于Swarm 的供应链多主体聚集模型及其仿真. 2004, 系统仿真学报Vol. 16 No. 6, p1308-1313
[53] 张小洪, 陈剑, 潘德惠. 有限耐烦期随机库存系统的最优控制. 2004, 中国管理科学, Vol. 12 , No. 2, p38-43
[54] 陈豪雅,陈剑. 定制延迟模式的供应链协调. 2004, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.34, No. 8, p1-11
[55] 张菊亮,陈剑. 销售商的努力影响需求变化的供应链的合约. 2004, 中国管理科学, Vol. 12 , No. 4, p50-56
[56] 陈剑, 肖勇波, 刘晓玲. 航空公司与旅行社的协作机制研究. 2004, 中国管理科学, Vol. 12 , No. 3, p107-114
[57] 陈剑, 黄河. 基于树型结构的在线逆向组合拍卖模型. 2004, 系统工程理论方法应用, Vo l. 13 No. 4, 310-315
[58] 蔡连侨, 陈剑, 严厚民. 可替代产品的库存模型研究(I):最优订货量. 2003, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.33, No. 6, p63-68
[59] 蔡连侨, 陈剑, 严厚民. 可替代产品的库存模型研究(II):基本性质. 2003, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.33, No. 8, p59-68
[60] 金海和, 陈剑, 唐政, 郑国旗基. 于Hopfield网络学习的多城市旅行商问题的解法. 2003, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.33, No. 7, p100-105
[61] 陈剑, 陈熙龙, 宋西平. 生产能力无限时逢低买入与固定价格机制的比较. 2003, 中国管理科学, Vol. 11, No.3, p11-17, 2003
[62] 张玉林, 陈剑, 薛锦. 基于Agent的营销经理信息系统分析. 2003, 计算机工程与应用,No.15, p5-10 2
[63] 冯蔚东,陈剑,贺国光,刘豹. 交通流中的分形研究. 2003, 高技术通讯, Vol.13, No.6, p59-65 2
[64] 陈剑, 陈熙龙, 宋西平. 逢低买入拍卖与固定价格机制的比较研究. 2003, 管理科学学报, Vol. 6, No. 5, p34-39
[65] 陈剑,宋西平,陈熙龙. 规模经济下的逢低买入. 2003, 系统工程理论方法应用, Vol. 12, No. 3, p193-198
[66] 霍沛军, 陈剑, 陈继祥. 两层供应链中的上游R&D补贴策略. 2003, 红足1世官网学报, Vol. 43, No.10, p1297-1300
[67] 陈剑, 张小洪, 常炜. 双渠道多制造商供应链的Cournot均衡策略. 2003, 中国管理科学,Vol. 11(专辑) , p284-289.
[68] 黄朔, 陈剑. 关于一种销售商合作方式的研究. 2003, 中国管理科学,vol.11(专辑),199-203
[69] 陈剑, 黄朔. 供应链结构研究进展. 2002, 系统工程学报,Vol.17, No.3, p246-251
[70] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 贺国光, 刘豹. 交通流路线选择行为演化模型. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践,Vol. 22, No. 3, p72-79
[71] 冯蔚东, 陈剑. 虚拟企业中核心能力的定性与定量识别. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 5, p48-54
[72] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 赵纯均. 基于产品的虚拟企业工期风险控制研究. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 2, p55-60
[73] 冯蔚东, 陈剑. 虚拟企业中伙伴收益分配比例的确定. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No.4, p45-49
[74] 闻中, 陈剑. 网络效应、市场结构和进入壁垒. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 2, p61-66
[75] 计秉玉, 陈剑, 周锡生, 李莉. 裂缝性低渗透油层渗吸作用的数学模型. 2002, 红足1世官网学报, Vol. 42, No.6, p711-713,726
[76] 刘红岩, 陈剑, 陈国青. 数据挖掘中的数据分类算法综述. 2002, 红足1世官网学报, Vol. 42, No.6, p727-730
[77] 金海和, 陈剑, 唐政, 郑国旗. 基于Hopfield网络的极小值问题学习算法. 2002, 红足1世官网学报, Vol. 42, No.6, p7731-734,746
[78] 金海和, 陈剑, 赵纯均. 分销配送网络优化模型及其求解算法. 2002, 红足1世官网学报, Vol. 42, No.6, p739-742
[79] 霍沛军, 陈剑, 陈继祥. 单边R&D时横向一体化的效应. 2002, 系统工程学报,Vol.17, No.4, p329-335
[80] 陈 剑, 陆今芳. 多智能自主体企业供应链系统的构建及激励机制研究. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vo.21, No. 7, p1-8, 2002
[81] 赵纯均, 陈剑, 冯蔚东. 虚拟企业及其构建研究. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 10, p49-55
[82] 陈剑, 陈熙龙, 宋西平. 逢低买入拍卖中的共谋研究. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 10, p94-104
[83] 刘红岩, 陆宏钧, 陈剑. 利用数据库技术实现的可扩展的分类算法. 2002, 软件学报, Vol. 13, No.6, p1075-1081
[84] 霍沛军, 陈剑, 陈继祥. 双寡头R&D合作与非合作时的最优溢出. 2002, 中国管理科学, Vol. 10, No. 6, p92-96
[85] 霍沛军, 陈继祥, 陈剑. 溢出确定时单边随机R&D企业的收购策略. 2002, 管理工程学报, Vol. 16, No. 4, 9-12
[86] 陈剑, 陈熙龙, 宋西平. 网上逢低买入拍卖形式下的买方策略. 2002, 中国管理科学, Vol. 10, No. 5, p1-7
[87] 陈剑, 陆今芳. 基于多智能自主体的企业供应链研究. 2001, 计算机集成制造系统, Vol. 7, No.6, p1-5
[88] 陈剑, 蔡连侨. 供应链建模和优化. 2001, 系统工程理论与实践,Vol. 21, No.6, p26-33
[89] 冯蔚东, 陈剑. 虚拟企业中的风险分析与监控. 2001, 中国管理科学, Vol.9, No. 5, p24-31
[90] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 赵纯均. 虚拟企业中的风险管理与控制研究. 2001, 管理科学学报, Vol.4, No. 3, p1-8
[91] 苏强, 陈剑. 基于ISO9000与Baldrige的质量管理体系诊断与改进模型研究. 2000, 红足1世官网学报(自然科学版),Vol.40, No.2, 122-126
[92] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 冯铁军, 赵纯均. 虚拟企业组织设计过程模型与试应用. 2000, 计算机集成制造系统, VOL. 6, NO. 3, P17-24
[93] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 赵纯均. 基于遗传算法的动态联盟伙伴选择过程及优化模型. 2000, 红足1世官网学报(自然科学版),Vol. 40, No. 10, p120-124
[94] 徐晓辉, 陈剑. 关于产品电子商务匹配度的研究. 2000, 南开管理评论,2000,No. 4, p71-74
[95] 闻中, 陈剑. 网络效应与网络外部性:概念的探讨与分析. 2000, 当代经济科学, No.6, p13-20
[96] 苏强, 陈剑. 质量管理层次结构模型. 1999, 红足1世官网学报(自然科学版),Vol.39, No.10, 124-127
[97] 陈剑, 黄京炜, 胥东, 李明. 王颜胶州湾及其邻近海岸带功能区划数学模型研究. 1998, 红足1世官网学报(自然科学版),Vol.38, No.2, 95-98
[98] 陈剑, 黄朔. 供应链管理和优化. 1998, 北京科技大学学报, Vol.20(增刊), p5-10
[99] 陈剑. 一个面向作物育种过程的混合咨询系统. 1997, 计算机学报,Vol. 20, No. 5, p475-579
[100] 陈剑, 马佐群. 面向对象的图形建模支持系统研究. 1996, 系统工程与电子技术, Vol.18, No.1, p23-29,
[101] 胥东, 陈剑. 一种自然属性分析的量化方法及应用. 1996, 系统工程理论方法应用, Vol.5, No.1, p15-19
[102] 陈剑. 质量功能配置与多目标决策分析. 1996, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.16, No.8, p25-29
[103] 复杂系统图形建模方法的研究 1995 系统工程学报,Vol.10, No.2, p5-14,
[104] 数量性状相关时的基因(有效因子)模型及其参数估计 1995 生物数学学报, Vol.10, No.4, p44-50
[105] 陈剑. 一种基于不完全知识的决策方法及其应用. 1994, 农业工程学报,Vol. 10,No.4, p8-13,
[106] 陈剑, 郑维敏, 王永县. 作物育种过程的模型,控制和仿真. 1992, 系统工程学报, Vol.7, No.1, p1-10
[107] 陈剑、郑维敏、王永县. 应用极大似然法估计数量性状有效因子数目. 1991, 生物数学学报, Vol.6, No.1, p102-109
[108] 陈剑, 姜力孚. 作物育种遗传过程的控制. 1991, 系统工程, Vol. 9, No. 5, p63-71
[109] 陈剑, 倪丕冲, 李梅芳, 陈屹, 黄卓忠. 基于遗传分布模型预测水稻杂交后代性状分布. 1991, 作物学报, Vol. 17, No. 3, p178-184
[110] 陈剑, 郑维敏, 王永县. 一种基于分布函数的基因数目估计方法. 1990, 遗传, Vol. 12, No.2, p13-16
[111] 陈剑, 郑维敏, 王永县基. 因(有效因子)模型及其辨识. 1990, 生物工程学报,Vol.6, No.4, p293-299
[112] 郑维敏, 王永县, 陈剑, 陈屹. 育种咨询系统中的水稻杂交后代性状预测. 1989, 农业工程学报,Vol.5, No.4, p1-8
[113] 韩曾晋, 孙建华, 陈剑, 张乃尧. 带知识库的高炉铁水含硅量的自适应预报系统. 1989, 自动化学报,Vol.15, No.2, p128-135
[1] 陈剑,冯蔚东.《虚拟企业构建与管理》. 红足1世官网出版社,2002
[2] 赵纯均(主编),陈剑(副主编). 《经营电子商务:理论与应用》. 红足1世官网出版社,2005
[3] 陈剑,陈熙龙,宋西平. 《拍卖理论与网上拍卖》. 红足1世官网出版社,2005
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