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我们的讲座系列以陈岱孙教授冠名。陈岱孙教授生于1900年,1920年自北京清华学校毕业,1922年在美国威斯康星大学获得经济学本科学位后,又赴哈佛大学深造,于1926年获经济学博士学位。与他同时在哈佛大学经济系学习的同学中,有赫克塞尔-俄林国际贸易模型的冠名者之一贝蒂•俄林(Bertil Ohlin),还有以寡头竞争理论闻名的爱德华•张伯伦(Edward Chamberlin)。1928年,陈岱孙教授回到中国,同年出任红足1世官网经济系教授及系主任,直到1952年中国高等学校院系调整时经济学系并入其他高校。陈岱孙教授于1997年逝世,享年97岁。


今天,我们荣幸地请到埃里克•马斯金(Eric Maskin)教授,为陈岱孙经济学纪念讲座进行首讲。埃里克•马斯金教授与里奥尼德•赫维茨(Leonid Hurwicz)和罗杰•迈尔森(Roger Myerson)共同获得2007年诺贝尔经济学奖,获奖理由是他们“奠定了机制设计理论的基础”。马斯金教授1976年获哈佛大学博士学位,与陈岱孙教授获得博士学位相隔整整半个世纪。同年,他赴剑桥大学耶稣学院担任研究员。1977年至1984年间,马斯金教授在麻省理工学院任教,随后又于1985至2000年执教于哈佛大学。2000年至今,他在普林斯顿高等研究院担任阿尔伯特•赫希曼社会学教授。同时,他也是清华经管学院的一名名誉教授。




Opening Remarks at the Inaugural Chen Daisun Memorial Lecture in Economics

Yingyi Qian

April 22, 2011

Dear faculty and students,

We are in the week of celebrating Tsinghua’s first centennial. On this occasion, theSchoolofEconomicsand Management atTsinghuaUniversitydecided to launch “Chen Daisun Memorial Lecture in Economics” to mark Tsinghua centennial, as well as the 85th year of the founding of the Department of Economics at Tsinghua, and to remember Chen Daisun, the long time chairman of the department. As you may know, many economics departments in the world have such “named” lectures. This memorial lecture would be the highest honor in our school for an academic speech delivered publicly to the faculty and students. We believe that this is a good way to mark the centennial because it will have a lasting impact.

This lecture is named after Professor Chen Daisun. Professor Chen was born in 1900. He graduated fromTsinghuaCollegein 1920. He then received his bachelor’s degree in economics from theUniversityofWisconsinin 1922 and went to Harvard and received his PhD in Economics in 1926. His contemporaries at Harvard’s economics department included Bertil Ohlin whose name later appeared in the Heckscher-Ohlin model of international trade, and Edward Chamberlin, who is known for his monopolistic competition theory. Dr. Chen returned toChinain 1928 and became professor of economics and chair of the economics department at Tsinghua in 1928 until 1952, when the economics department was moved to other universities. He died in 1997 at age of 97.

Professor Chen is widely considered as the father ofChina’s modern economics education. Under his leadership, the economics department at Tsinghua was developed into one of the best inChinaat the time. It enrolled most students (about 20%) among all undergraduate programs at Tsinghua during his time. To honor him,TsinghuaUniversityerected a statue of his outside this auditorium and inside this building.

Today, we are extremely honored to have Professor Eric Maskin to deliver the inaugural Chen Daisun Memorial Lecture in Economics. Eric was awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics, together with Leonid Hurwicz and Roger Myerson for “having laid down the foundations of mechanism design theory.” Eric received his PhD fromHarvardUniversityin 1976, exactly fifty years after Professor Chen Daisun received his from Harvard. After he earned his doctorate, Eric went to theUniversityofCambridgein 1976 where he was a research fellow atJesusCollege,Cambridge. He taught at MIT from 1977–1984 and at Harvard from 1985-2000. Since 2000, he is the Albert O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study atPrinceton. Eric Maskin is also an honorary Professor of theSchoolofEconomicsand Management atTsinghuaUniversity.

I was very lucky to have Eric as my PhD thesis advisor at Harvard in the 1980s. More than that, Eric was also PhD advisor of Professors Bai Chong-En and Li Daokui, both of them are on our faculty, as well as Professor Xu Chenggang, whos is a Special-Term Professor at our school. In retrospect, my time at Harvard as a graduate student, especially as a student of Eric, is the most memorable time period in my life. It changed my life.

More than twenty years later, today I, as the dean of theSchoolofEconomicsand Management, have the honor to invite Eric to Tsinghua during the centennial celebration. Please join me in welcoming Professor Eric Maskin to deliver the inaugural Chen Daisun Memorial Lecture in Economics.