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童昱, 浙江大学管理学院“百人计划”研究员:医疗场景中的O2O:探索疾病相关在线内容对医院访问量的影响

2018年12月21日 00:00



【时间】2018年12月21日(周五) 15:00-16:30

【地点】清华经管学院 伟伦楼453




童昱为浙江大学管理学院“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师。主要研究方向为智慧健康医疗管理、信息系统使用和管理、数字经济创新形式。论文发表于Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems,Information & Management等国际期刊。


【Speaker】Tong Yu, Zhejiang University 100-Young Professor

【Topic】O2O in Healthcare: Impact of Disease-related Online Content on Hospital Visits

【Time】Friday, Dec. 21, 2018, 15.00-16.30

【Venue】Room 453, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Abstract】While online health information is abundant, the impact of such information on people's health management is underexplored. Prior research is mainly conducted based on data from online platforms. This research utilizes online and offline data to explore how discussions on a specific disease over multiple types of online media impact on the people's hospital visits. Neural network analysis is first applied to identify the relevant user generated content and professional generated content. We then examine the impact of different types of online media via different age groups. Our findings provide some policy-related implications on how to regulate the healthcare activities over the Internet.