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纽约大学斯特恩商学院教授Michael Pinedo:多服务台服务系统中的顾客到达管理

2015年01月12日 00:00

【主讲】纽约大学斯特恩商学院教授Michael Pinedo






【摘要】We analyze a discrete multi-server queueing model for scheduling customer arrivals under no-shows. Customers have different waiting cost coefficients and different no-show rates, reflecting their typeand their history in attending scheduled appointments respectively. The challenge is to assign customers to time slots so that the service system utilizes its resources efficiently, and customers enjoy short waiting times. Theoretical and heuristic guidelines are provided for the effective practice of appointment overbooking to offset no-shows. For the case of heterogeneous customers, we provide structural properties of an optimal schedule and we introduce a new sequencing rule. When customers come from a homogeneous pool, recursive expressions for the performance measures of interest are derived and we provide an upper bound for the optimal overbooking level. Our extensive numerical experiments reveal further properties and patterns that appear in the optimal solution, and motivate the development of two very well performing and computationally inexpensive heuristic solutions. Moreover, our analysis demonstrates the benefits of resource-pooling in containing operational costs and increasing customer throughput.

【简历】纽约大学斯特恩商学院教授Michael Pinedo的简历

Michael Pinedo is the Julius Schlesinger Professor of Operations Management in the Department of Information, Operations and Management Sciences at New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business. From 1982 to 1997 he taught in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research department at Columbia University. He taught at the Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (Caracas) from 1978 to 1980 and at the Georgia Institute of Technology from 1980 to 1982.

Professor Pinedo's research focuses on the modeling of production and service systems, and, more specifically, on the planning and scheduling of these systems. Recently, his research also has focused on operational risk in financial services. He has both written and co-written numerous technical papers on these topics. He is the author of the books, Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms and Systems (Prentice-Hall), and, Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services (Springer), and the coauthor of, Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals and Product Form Solutions (Wiley). He is co-editor of, Creating Value in Financial Services: Strategies, Operations, and Technologies (Kluwer), and editor of, Operational Control in Asset Management - Processes and Costs (Palgrave/McMillan).

Over the last two decades Professor Pinedo has been involved in industrial systems development. He supervised the design, development and implementation of two planning and scheduling systems for the International Paper Company. He also actively participated in the development of systems at Goldman Sachs, Philips Electronics, Siemens, and at Merck.

Professor Pinedo is currently editor of the Journal of Scheduling (Wiley). He is also associate editor of Management Science, associate editor of Naval Research Logistics, department editor of Production and Operations Management, associate editor of Manufacturing and Services Operations Management, and associate editor of the Journal of Operational Risk.

Professor Pinedo received an Ir. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands in 1973 and a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from the University of California at Berkeley in 1978

Awards & Appointments

Fellow of the POMS society2010

Fellow of the INFORMS society2009